did you know that this - sand -
underneath a microscope looks like this?
amazing, isn't it?
i was walking down park avenue today when i suddenly teared up at the thought of someone that i miss very much from time to time. when i think of him in the general sense, i totally appreciate his overall beauty and the wonder he brought to my life.
he crossed my mind today, just for a moment. but some reason, i didn't just think of him this time, i felt him. specifically. and that's what made my heart ache. i could see the outline of his skinny face, his crinkly blue eyes and i remembered what it felt like to walk next to his tall, lanky amble.
details. they've been on my mind. i've been learning more and more that it's the details that give us something to latch onto. the tiny little crooks and curves and hollows are the building blocks of our lives, our works, our loves. some of us get mired down and lost in the minutiae, while others never learn to focus beyond the big hazy outlines. obviously the trick is to learn the balance, but i've always tended to process the whole before the parts.
but over the past few years, i've started realizing the magic intricacy of specifics, more and more. today's memory reinforced this lesson for me in an ever more concrete way.
i'm working on building something, and i'm excited about the individual specks of sand. but i also can't wait to pile together a whole beach for everyone to play on.
s, i know you're always there with me in spirit and i'm forever grateful for your angel wings and guidance.
working, hustling...