Thursday, January 12, 2012

you make it, you eat it

when we were little and we used to make dumplings at home with my mom, we had a rule - you make it, you eat it.

i instated the rule because my little 4 year old sister made the most AWFUL looking things she tried to pass off as legitimate. don't worry, we weren't that mean to her, she usually ate the pretty ones my mom made :)

but the concept seems fairly logical, doesn't it? it goes along with other sayings like "you reap what you sow" and "you made your bed, now lie in it", but those have such negative connotations.

what if what you made was the most awesome, crackalicious stuff ever? not only would you be so proud of your creations, but everyone else would want a piece too.

what are you making with your life lately? what are you eating? where are you spending your time and energy, what are you investing in? what kind of dumplings do you have to show for yourself?


p.s. on that note, today i made dumplings made out of pure procrastination :P