Friday, September 28, 2012

je t'aime paris

city of light, of love, of pretty little cakes. mais oui oui!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

hercules! hercules!

though all living beings have all different kinds of muscles, mankind has a very special one:


we forget that it is a muscle. people tend to think of faith as a black-and-white issue, as something you either have or you don't. but that's because people tend to equate faith with religion, when it encompasses soooo much more than that - faith is truly so much more about a man's spirit, about his ability to dream and his will to thrive. it is about learning to take that leap of faith, over and over, most especially when the knees get skinned and they're bleeding profusely.

faith's biggest obstacle? ego. ego loves to swoop in and start distorting the picture, setting up all sorts of smoke and mirrors, and distractions disguised as glamour or pride. faith requires getting to the gym every single day, moment to moment, most especially on the fat tired cranky days - and ego is a big fat chocolate cake washed down with a jumbo bag of cheetos.


i know it's hard. i know i'm guilty of it too. and that's why i know its damaging effects. and that's also how i found the best way around it - stick low to the ground and just focus on the next goal. let everyone else deal with their demons, and just stick to the grind. it's not glamorous and it's not always fun and it takes a LOT of work. what is the point you ask? so what if my faith becomes as strong as hercules?

ask yourself if it was a waste when you hit the hard bumps and the low moments. what sustains you then?


Saturday, September 22, 2012

day 260-267

"grief doesn't change you, it reveals you." - john green

(sketch by egon schiele, an artist i've always been moved by)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

butt naked

someone recently asked me when i feel most beautiful.

and i had to think about my answer for awhile. is it a gorgeous dress and killer heels, or a post-glow sweat from yoga? is beautiful the same thing as sexy, confident or powerful? yes, but. while those things encompass beauty, it doesn't quite capture the exact essence for me.

i realized - i feel most beautiful when i am stark naked.

physically naked can be a part of it, but i'm talking about being emotionally, mentally, spiritually, personally vulnerable.

it goes against our natural instinct to protect ourselves, but that is where i find the beauty, in the openness. sometimes i feel like it wasn't my choice. outside circumstances rip me open and tear my defenses down. but even then, in my all-too-human'ness, i find myself rising up and fighting my hardest. it is me at my best, at my worst, at my fullest.

but then there are the times when it's my choice. and i find that i almost always choose the quieter side. true vulnerability is so raw, almost painful, so naked. and therein lies the gorgeousness.

i'll show you mine so show me yours. i want you to see how beautiful i am, how beautiful i can be, but i also want to see you in all your glory and divinity.

open sesame...


Friday, September 14, 2012

it's ok to be human.


day 217-259

a little bit hard to read because i scribbled this in neon pink marker on my glass desk, but it says:
"those who don't believe in magic will never find it." - roald dahl

believe it.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

letting go...

this is briohny smyth, a yoga instructor at equinox in LA, doing acro yoga with her husband, dice iida-klein:

the flow and vulnerability required to do something so graceful, beautiful and perfect as this... this is what she had to say about learning how to let go:

"when i first started learning, my biggest takeaway was that it's really about the base - the person on the bottom - and if you're a strong base, anybody can fly with you. the key is communication with the base - and trust. i could do all of these poses on my own, but i've never been very good at trusting people, which is something that most of us women gain over time - especially when it comes to men. it was a real challenge for both of us to go from singular practices, where we had full control, and release control to one another. it was a really big thing for me because i was a single mom, and i had built my own businesses, so it has always been about having two hands on the wheel. when you're on top in acro yoga, it's all about letting go and trusting one hundred percent, because if you fight back, it's much harder for the base. so, dice and i went through a lot of little tiffs of, "you're doing it wrong - no, you're doing it wrong!" and every single time it always came down to me letting go. and for dice, who has always had a tough time expressing himself, he had to work really hard to master his duty as a base, because he has to be extremely communicative and tell me what he needs, and tell me what he needs from me. so for both of us, it was just the balancing act - balancing not only our bodies, but also our personality issues."

it's inspiring to know that she had to work for it too... so often we see masters do things so fluidly and naturally, and wonder if they ever struggled to achieve such beauty. the answer is yes, and the process... just leap.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

loco in the cabeza

this is t.o.p. from the korean kpop group big bang:

i love his hair!! the cut, the color. it looks kind of purplish in this picture, but i liked it when it was super white. i totally want to do this to my hair and have been wanting to do it for awhile now, like a couple years, but my sister thinks i'm crazy. she thinks i should do it... never. i still have big urges though hmm....

although miley cyrus recently chopped off her hair and went platinum and i wouldn't want to look like a copycat. nothing against her though b/c she has a pretty banging body :)

argh... someone distract me before i edward scissorhands the top of my head...
