Monday, November 5, 2012

thoughts in my head today

when you are the light, you cannot complain about the darkness. because you could not exist without the darkness in which you contrast yourself against.

you are the source of your world, not the subject of it.

the relationship you have with yourself sets the blueprint, nature and quality of all your other relationships.

love is a state of allowing, not merely being, acting or doing.

you can wrinkle, crumple, stain and even tear a $100 bill and tape it back together, yet it can still buy $100 worth of goods. no value is lost in the wear and tear of daily life. why do people lose confidence in their self-worth if they are not "perfect"?

sometimes you look at the crazies dancing to the beat of their own imaginary drum and declare them fools. but some of them do it long enough with just enough passion and conviction, and somewhere, you start to get convinced.

is it better for two straight lines to intersect at a meeting point, never to meet again, or better for them to run parallel side by side for their entire lives, yet never to touch?

the silence between the notes plays an equally important role in creating a masterpiece symphony.


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