Friday, March 11, 2011

work hard play hard

dear af:

one day you will read this, no doubt. i want you to know - thank you for showing me what is possible.

when i see what you've done, which is incredibly incredibly impressive, it's not intimidating - it's motivating. because you show me, concretely, tangibly, that it can be done. and i see that it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination, but yes - it. can. be. done.

you are one those "rich & famous" but i've been lucky enough to take a peek behind the curtain of oz, and what i see is this: you work harder harder hardest than 99% of the rest, and watching the pleasure you take in your work is pretty fucking awesome. i am honored that you respect the work/results i've accomplished with you, that you genuinely care about where i am personally, and that you even automatically set a place at family dinners for me without a second thought. that part means a lot.

you inspire me. your work ethic inspires me. your 260mph attitude towards life inspires me.

i want to be able to stand next to you and feel justified in my own right, to feel as successful - but while i'm working on that, thank you for making a place for me at that table where i want to be belong.


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