Wednesday, February 23, 2011

too much

"i promise to god maybe i'll shut up."

my sister will not stop blabbering in my ear!! aaaaalllll night long! it's been hoooouuuuurrrrssss...

between her and the nonstop honking of this chaotic city, i might be deaf by tomorrow morning.

this picture does not really put her in the proper perspective, but this grandma was teeny-tiny. maybe about 4'2". on a good day.

went to this beautiful spa and got a two-hour massage for about $20us. i felt like a kobe beef cow. ate a huge meal then got mauled into submission by a tiny vietnamese lady with absurdly strong hands & feet.

on a serious note, working from the road is harder than i thought. i'm distracted by the sensory overload and my bearings are also off.

luxury dulls creativity.


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