Saturday, June 18, 2011

circadian rhythms

i have such weird, odd dreams.

last night i dreamt that the world's population had been split according to circadian rhythms. there was no concept of 9-5 because it was just a matter of what your normal cycle was.

the world was on 24/7, although there were no more watches to mark the time. people chose to mark the passage of time by the rhythm of their bodies in alignment with either the sun or the moon.

however, the world was very distinctly split into rhythmic categories and you had to stick within your own category and could not cross over into opposite territory. it was a way for the government to keep control. so a person who was normally most awake from noon to midnight could never interact with someone who was most awake from midnight to noon. apparently the government had some massive scheme going on to keep everyone awake and happy during their most productive hours.

but then a boy accidentally meets a girl with his opposite circadian rhythm, and he knows they are forbidden to see each other. if he makes the effort to change his natural course, everything will become disrupted and start to cause ripple effects. but he has fallen in love with her, so he doesn't care and things start to go awry.

and then i woke up.

a lot of times,  actually most of the time, my ideas for movies/scripts/writing come from my dreams. i don't know where this stuff comes from. well, i know this particular dream came about b/c i'm stressing about my current sleeping schedule. i feel guilty for not being up and productive during "normal" working hours, but i'm up and productive while everyone else is asleep. i've always been this way, but i've noticed that a lot of artists and creative types are also like me. is that a justification? we tend to hold late-night vampire hours, work at a furious pace for a sustained period of time, and then crash and burn into a deep sleep.

but so often, during my deep sleeps, i go on these incredible journeys in my mind and i try and remember as much as possible when i'm on the edge of consciousness. it fuels a lot of my creativity and i revel in it. the heart and mind can go so many more places than the body can. but i still wrestle with the guilt...


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