Monday, June 27, 2011


6 things i'm grateful for right this very moment:

1) it's nice and cool in my room. there's a nice breeze on my legs coming off my lovely little green retro fan :)
2) i just finished a monster marathon 19 hr. writing streak and i actually feel good about it
3) i'm going a special preview screening for the new transformers movie in a couple of hours and i'm ridiculously little-kid excited
4) my fridge is full of good stuff
5) i discovered how much i love chilling out on my awesome fire escape at sunset
6) i've gotten so many unexpected offers & invitations for work and meetings this past week that my schedule can't keep up




  1. what's in your fridge? =)

  2. lots of yummy dishes from all the events i've been organizing!! two nonprofit education events, one political fundraiser and two private parties :D my fave of the moment - roasted sweet potatoes and a fresh mango salad :)
