Wednesday, July 20, 2011

extraordinary men

ya: it''s been a long, long time since i've met someone like you, who is tapped so beautifully into life with such effervescence and ease. you have every reason to be full of yourself, but i don't think thoughts like that even occur to you. i love your open-mindedness, your recognition of the value and substance of a true woman, and your presence. it's refreshing and you made me feel again something i had forgotten - what it's like when you meet someone who shows you the best of this world. you do it without effort and i love that. plus i like your french accent :)

mr: despite time, distance and the fact that i only talk to you about twice a year, i feel so grateful for our enduring connection and the friendship that we share. i love your probing nature, your natural pursuit of inner reflection and your gentle approach towards asking the big questions of life. i'm incredibly happy for you that you're in a state of surrender/equilibrium, that you've got the love and support of an amazing partner you respect and that you're still striving, learning, embracing. i always recognize the artist in you - it's just in your approach to life, not even necessarily the things that you're writing or creating - and it's a beautiful thing to see. it makes me truly glad that we're friends.

after a long stretch of dryness, it's nice to have dinner with people who renew your faith in the potential beauty of humanity. these guys live and breathe it fully, every day.

and they don't even know it.


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