Thursday, July 7, 2011

a simple request

one of the things i love about writing here is that i get readers from all around the world (i.e. the isle of man - wow!). it blows my mind to realize that i am connected to a random person i will never meet just b/c i put my thoughts out there.

so by the same token, i'd love to put an intention/request out there as well.

the next time you come across a homeless person, please stop to ask their name. ask them what they'd like to eat from the nearest place around and buy them a hot meal. we're all human, we all get hungry and we all deserve a break every now and then.

today i met a toothless woman named jeanie. she reeked of cigarettes and wore big chunky costume jewelry. she had on a dirty striped tank top and she was digging through the trash at the shake shack, looking for leftovers. everyone flocks to this place in NY b/c their burgers are so yummy, and trust me, there are no leftovers.

i wasn't moved to sadness or anger at the indignity. i just simply thought, she deserves a good meal and to enjoy the beautiful weather, just like everyone else.

just. like. everyone. else.

we are all human, right?

so i'd love to know that someone hungry in the world got fed b/c i put my intentions out there. i'm not telling you this to showoff or brag that i'm some holy do-gooder, so please, please don't take it that way.

i'm merely asking, one human being to another - let's just make this one moment brighter b/c it's really simple.

thank you.


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