Tuesday, October 11, 2011

the spaces in between

earlier this year, i arrived into the virgin air terminal at SFO and noticed an art installation hanging above my head:

the artist's name is janet echelman, and when i looked her up, i found that she had started doing these voluminous, huge, billowing installations all over the world:

what i noticed about her art is the way it draws your attention to previously empty air, and the way that the netting newly defines space. before she put up her creation, no one noticed the emptiness. it was just where the sky was, or where the ceiling was. but then she puts something up, and suddenly there are things that you couldn't see before, come to life - the air, the wind, the sheer space. and all it took was a mere visual to make us sit up and notice. but it's not as if all that was not there before, we just didn't pay attention.

aren't there so many things in life that work in this exact same way?

pay attention - be present - there are so many things you're missing just b/c the visual is not there. but it still exists, in a very real way.


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