Sunday, December 18, 2011

f(x) calculus and juicers and life

what do these three things have in common? a lot more than you might think.

remember functions in high school calculus? here's a very simple one:

basically, your end result would be a function of whatever variable you put in the first place. 

and then there's juicers:

whatever you put in is what you get out.

i'm sure you already get the message. but for some reason, people get so confused when they put in a shit variable and expect a good outcome. you put in crap fruit, you get crap juice. you put in the best, nicest fruit and you get healthier, more delicious juice. simple, really. and it only takes one bad apple to ruin the batch.

so stop feeding negativity and doubts and stresses into your life, and really focus on feeding your mind/body/soul with light and joy and beauty. you'll be amazed at the results.


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