Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

even after

all this time
the sun never says to the earth,

"you owe me."

what happens
with a love like that,
it lights the whole sky.

- hafiz, persian poet

there are different wells within your heart.
some fill with each good rain,
others are far too deep for that.

in one well
you have just a few precious cups of water,
that "love" is literally something of yourself,
it can grow as slow as a diamond
if it is lost.

your love
should never be offered to the mouth of a
only to someone
who has the valor and daring
to cut pieces of their soul off with a knife
then weave them into a blanket
to protect you.

there are different wells within us.
some fill with each good rain,
others are far, far too deep
for that.

-hafiz, persian poet


spiderman's hideout

an unexpected side effect of the 2010 floods in sindh, pakistan was that millions of spiders climbed up into the trees to escape rising flood waters. because of the scale of flooding and the fact that the water took so long to recede, many trees became cocooned in spiderwebs - a phenomenon people had never seen before. courtesy of our friends at national geographic!

even in destruction can arise beauty.


day 26

o my lion

my sister: mom, where'd you get this? what kind of animal is it supposed to be?
mom: it's a lion. i didn't like how big the hair looked, it was wild, big, everywhere, so i cut it. (then she starts giggling to herself)

HAHAHAHAHA... i couldn't stop laughing when i saw this!! meanwhile, i thought this teddy bear came with a headband! my mom craaaacks me up :D


Monday, January 23, 2012

day 23

day 22

holy crap i'm late and i almost forgot and i don't even have a post-it note because i'm traveling but i'm here and i showed up. yaaaay!! :) better late than...

Friday, January 20, 2012

5 happy habits

1) focused breathing: visualize your insides blowing up like a balloon when you inhale, and slowly deflating as you exhale. start at 15 and count down. once at morning, once at night, in bed.

2) dancing: you know the one song that always make you get up and dance? blast it LOUD and just get down. preferably in your underwear while no one else is watching.

3) pen and paper: upset? happy? feeling sexy? no matter what the mood, get a piece of paper. write on it. draw on it. get it out of you and onto the paper. look at it. if you're feeling crappy, you'll feel better. if you're feeling awesome, you'll feel even better.

4) smile at little old ladies and children: they'll always smile back. it feels nice, like rainbows and unicorns and marshmallows.

5) fart: get a whoopee cushion. i guarantee it will make you laugh. every. single. time. none of us truly grows up past the age of 5 when it comes to farting, not even the queen of england. she's secretly laughing inside her head :D


day 20

Monday, January 16, 2012

best friends

EL: i'm soooo incredibly grateful for the length, depth and strength of our friendship over the years, and it's been an honor to have continually participated in the different phases of your life. i'm so blessed to know a person of your character, with your intellectual curiosity, your independence, your ability to be in touch with yourself and the world around you, and that giggle of yours. with you, everything is fun and carefree! what i'm supremely grateful for is that the more i give to you, the more i receive in exponential return. thank you for letting me be a part of this weekend, it was thrilling, fascinating and just plain awesome. and even amidst all the chaos, you had the wherewithal to thank ME! wow :) you're amazing and i feel so lucky that i get to grow old with you! ^_^

love light blessings health and lots of gelato xoxo


day 16

Thursday, January 12, 2012

you make it, you eat it

when we were little and we used to make dumplings at home with my mom, we had a rule - you make it, you eat it.

i instated the rule because my little 4 year old sister made the most AWFUL looking things she tried to pass off as legitimate. don't worry, we weren't that mean to her, she usually ate the pretty ones my mom made :)

but the concept seems fairly logical, doesn't it? it goes along with other sayings like "you reap what you sow" and "you made your bed, now lie in it", but those have such negative connotations.

what if what you made was the most awesome, crackalicious stuff ever? not only would you be so proud of your creations, but everyone else would want a piece too.

what are you making with your life lately? what are you eating? where are you spending your time and energy, what are you investing in? what kind of dumplings do you have to show for yourself?


p.s. on that note, today i made dumplings made out of pure procrastination :P

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

day 11

feeling totally high

my new obsession of the moment... so in love with this song for so many reasons!!

tonight... we are young... so let's set the world on fire... we can burn brighter... than the sun......


Friday, January 6, 2012

day 6

impromptu nyc subway jam

this is why i love this city, my city... only here would two total strangers jam it up in between stops and make a little happiness along the way...

sigh :)


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

one and the same

i think the biggest fallacy of all religions is this notion that you and i are separate entities than this Supreme Being we call God. not only does He reside within us, but we are born of Him and by Him, and in fact, ARE Him.

in our moments of creativity, in our moments of unconditionality, in our moments of freedom and joy, we are not separate. we embody the exact components of the God in all of us at that time.

actually, we are God all the time, it's just that we fail to recognize it. why would anyone make their highest creations any less than the fullest of who they are?

He exists through us.

stop avoiding your beauty. be amazing, just the way that you were originally designed.


day 4

Sunday, January 1, 2012

day 1, 2012

(washington dc)

happy new year world!

work hard
play harder
love hardest

give and forgive
be present
love is my only religion

allow all
choose happiness
walk in blessing

be magnificent
be glorious

one love: