Sunday, August 19, 2012


i love love love texture... it's such a tactile, visual, sensual thing, that speaks to me of the essence of being a living breathing being... we have the ability to be cognizant of such unnoted beauties... so easy to pass by, just a part of the background, but it deeply moves me for some reason, and always has...

love the smell and feel of leather, especially when it gets old and beat up and super soft...

the way cashmere feels against my skin...

the rough and worn hewn of old wood, weathered by time and the outside elements...

the silky softness of oh-so-delicate peonies in full bloom that fall apart with a touch...

the kind of super heavyweight paper that is so thick, you feel bad folding it, or using anything less than a proper ink calligraphy pen on it...

the softness of super bright green moss, the way it absorbs sounds, yet is so vibrant itself...

and old stones that have been stomped on, worn down, rained upon and been exposed... i love the way stones absorb light, heat, cold, history... yet also give off softness and light in its own way, standing the test of time...

these things, these textures, make me immensely happy. they feel substantive to me; massive yet so soft, grounded yet simultaneously ephemeral... that beautiful dynamic of the flow of life...

i want to have a home that i can just texturize the shit out of, and sit there and absorb its light and energy and calm amid my endless stacks of books and tea... :)


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