Monday, May 9, 2011

more than enough

you know that scene in jerry maguire where tom cruise's character tells renee zellweger's, "you complete me."?

it's the stuff that women swoon about. women think that life and love should be just like they are in the movies. and i'll the first to admit that i totally love romantic comedies, but that particular line drives me nuts! 

as human beings, we are not all puzzles with missing pieces that someone needs to come in and fill up. i believe that we are all more than enough within ourselves. i've always believed that a person should be able to stand on his/her own two feet on all levels, and that the partner you find is about making your life bigger, brighter and better. it's not about completion, b/c you are already whole, but it's about making the colors more vivid and intense and expanding a life that is shared. 

instead of searching for the "missing" parts of your life, start focusing on creating such a life that everyone wants to come join your party. be complete within yourself. fun attracts fun. light attracts light. completeness attracts completeness.

yes, i am talking to you. you know who are you are, my friend. 
and you are definitely, definitely more than enough.

i have always loved you, as is. believe it.


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