Thursday, March 31, 2011

as is.

you were made exactly the way that you are for a specific reason. all your seeming "flaws" are by design, all your obstacles are on purpose, and all your doubts are simply tests. in His eyes, He sees nothing less than beautiful, nothing less than His own perfect creation. He is the alpha and the omega - no mistakes were made. so why do you question His designs? why do you question His purpose for you? why do you spend so much time trying to figure out what is wrong with the world, wrong with the people in your life, wrong with yourself, when all of that is simply irrelevant? it is, truly, wasted energy.

why are you not using all that you were given to propel yourself forward, make your mark, be the example others want to follow? stop waiting on others, stop waiting for the perfect time and the perfect situation, stop waiting for your internal self to catch up with your external self or vice versa.

just be.
just act.
you are beautiful.
as is.


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