Tuesday, March 15, 2011


dear japan,

it is hard for me to fathom what you are dealing with and understand the enormity of the situation from afar. someone asked me if i feel more linked to the disaster b/c i was just there, but oddly, the answer is no. it is still hard for me to comprehend what you are going though b/c it must be so different from the inside.

something that struck me: even in the worst of times, there is no looting, no pillaging, no stealing. you line up for supplies, recognizing that everyone is equally in need, and your concern for everyone prevails in the face of disaster. everyone pitches in their part, no matter how small.

for every emotion i feel today - sad, happy, angry, anything - i will also be grateful for that privilege, and send that thankfulness your way. i want your nation to be overwhelmed with positivity right now. i believe in the power of collective prayer and goodwill, and i, along with millions of others around the world, are sending you the best of our thoughts and hearts.


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