Thursday, March 3, 2011

shots shots shots shots

random pixx from the past few weeks:

clubbing in tokyo... they all just get really drunk and don't move, they just stand there...

ordered a coffee jelly thinking it would be some kind of a cool drink with jelly cubes, but nope. it was literally coffee jello.

saw my genki sudo boys again!! fated.

at the meiji shrine. best prayer card ever.

two little maids in japan... @ takeshita-dori in harajuku.

one of my fave bars in the world. top of the park hyatt in tokyo at bar new york.

i'm on a boat... listening to justin bieber :))) baby baby baby ohhhh... at lamma island

og grandpa, chillin' outside his shop in hanoi

best use of english ever.

say what?!

best cao lau, so yummy in hoi an

i've never felt so connected to the earth as i did in the rice paddies...

(hong kong)

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