Monday, April 18, 2011

newton's second law / before & after part ii

lesson two:

force equals mass times acceleration. the greater the mass, the more force that is needed to accelerate.

blah blah blah physics.

so what.

in my 'before & after' post, i showed a picture of a chest of drawers that got a makeover. visually and concretely, it is the simplest way to see change in tangible form. but that was a piece of furniture. how about a human being?

changing yourself has to be one of the hardest things you can ever do in life. it is so so so much easier to criticize others and tell them to change, get angry at your circumstances rather than change your own self, and fingerpoint at everyone and everything else rather than look into your own heart. and the longer you become set in your ways, the harder it becomes to change. which relates back to newton's first law of inertia.

it takes a massive amount of force to change the largest mass in your own life - you.

but the good news is that it's not impossible. no force on this planet is completely immoveable. things are moving all the time; even on the tiniest level, our atoms are always vibrating. 

but how do you make a mass light enough so that it can be moved? how do you make it so that it doesn't require all the force in the world to get going, changing, accelerating? easy. yet also incredibly difficult - let go of your ego.

when you can admit that you are not always the right one, the one with all the answers and the center of your own universe, the world literally opens up. there is so much out there to be explored, experienced and loved, and all you have to do in order to participate is just say YES. it is much easier to travel without the baggage of ego. when you're willing to make mistakes, willing to let others lead the way and willing to let go of control, the forces of light & love & beauty that exist out there in the world can pick you up and start moving you. you become a moveable mass, a veritable moveable feast a la hemingway.

and again, the choice is yours. you can choose to focus on the light, on the possibilities, on the love. because if you want it, it is all there for the taking. it always has been...

funny how a hard-data quantitative science like physics explains "qualitatives" like love?

to be continued in part iii...


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