Thursday, May 19, 2011

coming soon

on a scale of 1 to 10, my life veers wildly between a -10 and 20. the highs are unimaginably ridiculous and i can't believe how blessed i truly, truly am. the people, the opportunities, the resources, the work... it's amazing.

the darknesses have been gut-wrenching, character-testing, faith-shattering moments of blackness. 

and through all this... i wonder why i am so rich. my life is so full, in both good ways and "bad", that i feel wealthy inside... and it just makes me wonder, where is this all leading to? what am i being shaped for? what is the purpose of my extreme life? i feel like i'm being tested for something, i just don't know what exactly.

i wish i knew right this very moment, but i also know that the answer is coming soon... i'm starting to see my thoughts literally become reality lately.

(napa valley)

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