Monday, May 16, 2011

spoilers ahead

have you ever wanted to know what's going to happen next in your life, how things are going to turn out? have you ever gone to see a fortune teller or a palm reader, asking questions about your job, your love life, or maybe some sort of problem?

people say all the time, "it's no fun if you know how things are going to turn out. that's why there are no guarantees in life, that's what makes it fun!" and i think "bullshit." i never understood that sentiment. i always am so curious, almost greedy, to know the final answer...

until recently.

i was watching:

and that's when i got it. i had read some online review about an upcoming episode and even though the author had warned about the spoilers ahead, i read it anyway b/c i thought i wouldn't care. and then when i watched the actual episode, i realized that i did. i did care. it took all the fun out of the show, knowing that i knew the twists and turns of the plot.

and that's when i finally realized the true meaning of that saying, which had been just a cliche to me up till that point. people say it in passing without really meaning it, it's just one of those things that you say. and it always sounded hollow to me, but now i understand that life really is no fun when you know the ending.

the excitement happens in the moments of not knowing. that's what we look forward to in tv shows and movies - without the suspense of the ride, we would never watch such flat, boring stories. yet in real life, we forget this very point b/c we're so focused on getting to the end results and feeling anxious about it the whole time. we forget to breathe... in the moment.

enjoy the now. it's what we actually truly live for.

(napa valley)

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