Saturday, February 25, 2012

artists who lunch

yesterday, i had the most fun lunch with some newfound friends: a classical pianist from italy, a greek journalist and a composer from spain.

they were all so interesting, so smart and so FUNNY!! the funny part, i was not expecting at all. but they were so witty, i couldn't help crack up all afternoon!

although i live surrounded by artists of many different mediums, this was the first time i had encountered musicians from the classical world. the kind that breathe the rarified airs of carnegie hall, tour the world giving concerts in far-flung symphony halls and compose soundtracks for movies. talking to them over lunch and hearing them play (as we naturally had a grand piano right next to the dining room table!) as they explained the way they view/hear the world was totally fascinating.

and even though i work in the world of words, hearing a journalist's approach to her work was so compelling as well, especially given what is happening in greece at the moment with the economy.

and as we sat there over pasta and pecan pie, sharing our stories, i thought to myself - how lucky am i, that on a rainy friday afternoon, i have time to meet such people, amidst all the other hurricanes happening in my life right now. and that i should get to live in such a city that brings people together like this, so that we can learn from each other and enjoy how beautiful life can be.

humbled and excited. i feel RICH!


sooo happpyyyyy

this picture makes me incredibly happy inside!!! ^_^
best. picture. ever.

day 56

day 55

rain rain go away
you make me wanna move to california

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

day 52

i'm waiting, have been waiting... you better be fucking amazing.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

great expectations

i'm finding that life is a lot more fun when i let go of expectations...

i kept wanting things to turn out a certain way, constantly striving to reach that place of achievement, that place of balance, that place of consistent happiness. and i realized that the minute i let it all go, i got there.



day 50


ugh, why did i do this...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

day 49

"today i don't feel like doing anything..." - bruno mars

side note: i really need to buy some post-it notes and have constant internet access...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

day 46

i just really appreciate nice directors and AD's.

they make shooting that much more fun :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

i stop for pudding

when my friend EL came to visit me in rome, we ended up giggling hysterically when she commented "wow, this fermata bus line goes everywhere in the city!" and i responded "el, fermata means stop!" hahahaha... even now, it makes me laugh!

she later made a separate observation in a different conversation about how people are always rushing to catch the bus or the subway, rushing to and fro from one thing to another, anxious to get to the next destination in a hurry. and meanwhile, it's all just a series of stops and starts and lots of waiting in between, in this constant state of frenzied anxiety to reach the final destination.

but is there ever truly a final destination?

life never stops. there will always be another place to get to, another stop along the journey. so why the rush? why the wait? why are we always anxiously awaiting that next step? why are we always trying to get there faster, wherever "there" is?

the flower never rushes. it blooms at its own perfect rate, and has time enough.

shouldn't we all just have a little bit more fun along the way? why walk the path when we can dance through it?

on that note, amidst all my running around today, i ate the super yummy banana pudding from magnolia bakery and it made me fat and happy ^_^


day 44

today, i just decided that i was gonna have a good day and i made it happen. end of story.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

day 42

sometimes love is loud
and sometimes it is quiet
but it always seems to show up
just in the way
it is needed.

thank you, grateful.

Friday, February 10, 2012

these days

looking at this picture just makes me happy for some reason. she looks so carefree, plus i dig her socks.

lately, it's been nonstop. i didn't know it could get like this. it's so much, that the only thing i can do is just concentrate on the next thing on my list. what and why, i don't know. overwhelmed is not quite the word for it, although i definitely feel that way sometimes.

but i'm in the thick of it, being required to use every ounce of who i am, in a way that i've never had to before. i'm not growing or stretching like i have for so long, but it's more like i am being filled all the way to the outermost edges of everyone i've got and who i am, just to get through the next hour. and instead of feeling like running away, i can actually feel myself taking a stand, just batting away every single 200 mile-per-hour ball. not missing a beat.

living it.


day 41

day 40

Friday, February 3, 2012

day 34

not to ruin the ending, but it all turns out ok in the end...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

day 32

no internet access to upload a daily post-it pic, plus today i am utterly exhausted. realized that i make bad decisions sometimes when i'm rushed for time or strapped for resources.. but yet, sometimes you still need to pull the trigger because it's your best and only option in the moment. maybe it's not as bad as it seems? we shall wait and see. strengthening my resolve.