Saturday, February 25, 2012

artists who lunch

yesterday, i had the most fun lunch with some newfound friends: a classical pianist from italy, a greek journalist and a composer from spain.

they were all so interesting, so smart and so FUNNY!! the funny part, i was not expecting at all. but they were so witty, i couldn't help crack up all afternoon!

although i live surrounded by artists of many different mediums, this was the first time i had encountered musicians from the classical world. the kind that breathe the rarified airs of carnegie hall, tour the world giving concerts in far-flung symphony halls and compose soundtracks for movies. talking to them over lunch and hearing them play (as we naturally had a grand piano right next to the dining room table!) as they explained the way they view/hear the world was totally fascinating.

and even though i work in the world of words, hearing a journalist's approach to her work was so compelling as well, especially given what is happening in greece at the moment with the economy.

and as we sat there over pasta and pecan pie, sharing our stories, i thought to myself - how lucky am i, that on a rainy friday afternoon, i have time to meet such people, amidst all the other hurricanes happening in my life right now. and that i should get to live in such a city that brings people together like this, so that we can learn from each other and enjoy how beautiful life can be.

humbled and excited. i feel RICH!


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