Monday, February 13, 2012

i stop for pudding

when my friend EL came to visit me in rome, we ended up giggling hysterically when she commented "wow, this fermata bus line goes everywhere in the city!" and i responded "el, fermata means stop!" hahahaha... even now, it makes me laugh!

she later made a separate observation in a different conversation about how people are always rushing to catch the bus or the subway, rushing to and fro from one thing to another, anxious to get to the next destination in a hurry. and meanwhile, it's all just a series of stops and starts and lots of waiting in between, in this constant state of frenzied anxiety to reach the final destination.

but is there ever truly a final destination?

life never stops. there will always be another place to get to, another stop along the journey. so why the rush? why the wait? why are we always anxiously awaiting that next step? why are we always trying to get there faster, wherever "there" is?

the flower never rushes. it blooms at its own perfect rate, and has time enough.

shouldn't we all just have a little bit more fun along the way? why walk the path when we can dance through it?

on that note, amidst all my running around today, i ate the super yummy banana pudding from magnolia bakery and it made me fat and happy ^_^


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