Friday, February 10, 2012

these days

looking at this picture just makes me happy for some reason. she looks so carefree, plus i dig her socks.

lately, it's been nonstop. i didn't know it could get like this. it's so much, that the only thing i can do is just concentrate on the next thing on my list. what and why, i don't know. overwhelmed is not quite the word for it, although i definitely feel that way sometimes.

but i'm in the thick of it, being required to use every ounce of who i am, in a way that i've never had to before. i'm not growing or stretching like i have for so long, but it's more like i am being filled all the way to the outermost edges of everyone i've got and who i am, just to get through the next hour. and instead of feeling like running away, i can actually feel myself taking a stand, just batting away every single 200 mile-per-hour ball. not missing a beat.

living it.


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