Saturday, July 30, 2011

el amor despues

el amor despues
del amor tal vez
se parezca a este rayo del sol
y ahora que busque
y ahora que encontre
el perfume que lleva al dolor
en la esencia de las almas
en la ausencia del dolor
ahora se que ya no puedo
vivir sin tu amor

(washington dc)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

what's a flashmob?

this is what my brazilian friend asks me.

this, my friend, is a flashmob:

para voce, para o amor - eu sou a menina de azul ;D


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

extraordinary men

ya: it''s been a long, long time since i've met someone like you, who is tapped so beautifully into life with such effervescence and ease. you have every reason to be full of yourself, but i don't think thoughts like that even occur to you. i love your open-mindedness, your recognition of the value and substance of a true woman, and your presence. it's refreshing and you made me feel again something i had forgotten - what it's like when you meet someone who shows you the best of this world. you do it without effort and i love that. plus i like your french accent :)

mr: despite time, distance and the fact that i only talk to you about twice a year, i feel so grateful for our enduring connection and the friendship that we share. i love your probing nature, your natural pursuit of inner reflection and your gentle approach towards asking the big questions of life. i'm incredibly happy for you that you're in a state of surrender/equilibrium, that you've got the love and support of an amazing partner you respect and that you're still striving, learning, embracing. i always recognize the artist in you - it's just in your approach to life, not even necessarily the things that you're writing or creating - and it's a beautiful thing to see. it makes me truly glad that we're friends.

after a long stretch of dryness, it's nice to have dinner with people who renew your faith in the potential beauty of humanity. these guys live and breathe it fully, every day.

and they don't even know it.


Monday, July 18, 2011


this video comes closest to explaining my innermost core and who i truly am.


Friday, July 15, 2011


i am trying to ignore the hole, but it's not working.

embracing it didn't work either.

i'm tired.


Thursday, July 14, 2011


i've always loved danny mcbride. check out the latest viral vid, it's hilarious!

brilliance in marketing, i have to give it up to k-swiss for taking the risk.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

fairy tales

"and when all the world had fallen asleep, that's when she came alive with her heart beating thunderously and her wings flapping furiously. the winds spoke lullabies to her but she would have none of it. "the moon is mine," she cried as she rose to the heavens. the clouds rearranged themselves in her presence, for her ephemeral light drove them mad with fantasies. she left a faint aroma of sonatas in her wake as she collected chains of falling stars. she wasn't a fairy. she was dream."


Friday, July 8, 2011

in my head

grab somebody sexy tell'em hey!
my mosquito bites are itching like craaaazy
i don't like snobby people
the basil from citarella is beautiful
is that weird to think that
sleepy & fighting the urge to have coffee
everyone's waiting for me at the pool but i'm still trying to answer work emails
shared an emergency ramen with my best friend for lunch
need to stop procrastinating
5 year olds have an insane amount of energy
grab somebody sexy tell'em hey!

(the hamptons)


if you didn't know who my friends were
if you didn't know how i really spend my time
if you didn't know how i grew up
if you didn't know where i went to school
if you didn't know where i've been in the world

would you still talk to me?

or would you write me off
b/c i'm doing something that makes me happy
but you think is beneath you

i can tell the difference between
a fake attitude
and a real smile

and i would love for you to get off your pedestal
b/c we could share some cool stories and make each other laugh

but this is the 6th/7th/8th/9th time you've disappointed me
and i don't want to have to name-drop
just to get your attention


Thursday, July 7, 2011

a simple request

one of the things i love about writing here is that i get readers from all around the world (i.e. the isle of man - wow!). it blows my mind to realize that i am connected to a random person i will never meet just b/c i put my thoughts out there.

so by the same token, i'd love to put an intention/request out there as well.

the next time you come across a homeless person, please stop to ask their name. ask them what they'd like to eat from the nearest place around and buy them a hot meal. we're all human, we all get hungry and we all deserve a break every now and then.

today i met a toothless woman named jeanie. she reeked of cigarettes and wore big chunky costume jewelry. she had on a dirty striped tank top and she was digging through the trash at the shake shack, looking for leftovers. everyone flocks to this place in NY b/c their burgers are so yummy, and trust me, there are no leftovers.

i wasn't moved to sadness or anger at the indignity. i just simply thought, she deserves a good meal and to enjoy the beautiful weather, just like everyone else.

just. like. everyone. else.

we are all human, right?

so i'd love to know that someone hungry in the world got fed b/c i put my intentions out there. i'm not telling you this to showoff or brag that i'm some holy do-gooder, so please, please don't take it that way.

i'm merely asking, one human being to another - let's just make this one moment brighter b/c it's really simple.

thank you.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

pure unadulterated JOY.

when was the last time you felt this?

i'm not talking about just a really good fantastic day, but the last time you felt something completely shift or open up inside of you, even if only for a split second, and you just felt so connected, so free, and so pure in that moment? like you were immersed in the current of life and you just could be everything, anything and nothing all at the same time.

care to share?


Friday, July 1, 2011

salty genius

this guy can do with salt, what i can't even do with pencil...
props to you, sir.
