Friday, August 12, 2011


i had forgotten what truly clean air smells like!! it never smells like this in manhattan!!

sometimes certain smells bring me right back to certain places and moments. like super polluted air brings me right back to korea or asuncion :) but when i smell really super clean air like today, it actually reminds me of dallas on nice spring days. must be all the open space out there. i think the air in manhattan gets clogged up in between all the buildings and there's not enough fresh air circulating through. and just open clean air is different than what it smells like by the ocean with the salt or in a forest with all the trees and moss.

after a lot of heat and humidity, we had a really hard rain in new york the other day. and yesterday and today has been magical with the breeze and sunshine. it just makes me feel so incredibly happy, content and at peace with my life!! i've been feeling that way lately anyway and the weather just reflects perfectly what i feel on the inside.

la vita e bella! ^_^


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