Thursday, August 18, 2011

guts guts guts!!!

in one of the ramona quimby books, there's a chapter where ramona gets so upset that she threatens to say a bad word. she's in such a bad mood that she actually does it. she screws up her face, stomps her feet and then yells - "guts guts GUTS!!!"

i remember being horrified when i read that. i couldn't believe she actually said it! i was seven years old, and i totally remember feeling that guts was actually a very bad word! she might as well have said fuck, if i had known that word back then. how could beverly cleary have been so tapped into the average child's mind that she understood the gravity of such a word at that point in life? funny. hilarious actually. and amazing.

i have absolutely no utter idea why in the world i thought guts was such a bad word. but it couldn't have been just me who felt that way - the author knew enough to know that it would resonate with all kids. maybe that was a more innocent time back then. today's children seem to grow up without the same kind of naivety and wonder that i had.

how is it though, that guts was ever such a bad word? it's ironic that even now, as adults, it still seems to be a bad word. maybe more like an ignored word.

a human being is made up of more than just his mind or his heart. there's actually a third, even more essential part of a human soul - and that's the guts. it's that visceral reaction, that little voice in the back of the head, that tingling sensation of awareness. your guts should speak louder, scream louder, than any other internal compass you've got, but for some reason, we're taught to bury it and ignore it and even doubt its existence. that's not just a shame - it's wrong.

your gut will ALWAYS point you in the right direction. you know it, deep down, but maybe you're scared or you're not ready, so you give precedence to your emotions or to your logic. 


cultivate your guts. listen to them. nurture them. follow them. have the courage to believe in them.

because they will always guide you to your highest calling.



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