Saturday, August 27, 2011


"we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." - native american proverb

why do some people not believe in global warming? our planet is really not doing well these days. it's sick and yet some refuse to acknowledge this as fact. this week i felt my entire building shake as an earthquake hit manhattan. how is this normal in nyc? and now the entire east coast is bracing for an extreme hurricane making its way up from the bahamas this weekend.

the one-after-another impact of all these global fires, mudslides, earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis is sending a clear signal that the earth needs help, yet people continue to consume and waste our planet's resources voraciously. it's something that i have become so conscious of, yet i feel that my personal actions are miniscule against the overwhelmingness of it all. it makes me sad.

i love trees. magnolias, oak, bamboo, cypress, lemon, weeping willows. it sounds funny, but sometimes i'll pass a tree and think to myself "wow, that's a good-looking tree" as if i just saw a hot girl or a nice car. and i'll stop to check out its leaves and trunk, and maybe take a picture or just remember its location. and i think of how long it took for that tree to grow, all those years, particularly because i love big, substantial trees. trees give so much of themselves. oxygen, shade, flowers, a place for treehouses, icicle holders, a purpose for tire swings. even in death, they give paper and furniture and create warmth in a fireplace. but they're disappearing, so quickly now.

in an avalanche, every snowflake claims innocence. maybe what each of does is so small, but what we each do can also be so big.


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