a holy cow ferrari
or mini-hamburgers
in theory and in practice, it makes sense. when demand is constant, it increases when there is less supply of a certain something. and when there is plenty of supply or overcapacity, the demand slacks off.
and how about with relationships?
guys/girls always like the girls/guys who won't give them the time of day, yet never notice the one who's standing right beside them, ready, giving and willing.
unfortunately, affection too works like economics and i don't know why we're wired this way.
wouldn't life be fuller, more beautiful and more peaceful, if none of us craved love, gave freely of it and from it without condition and didn't think that this was such an odd thing? i've met so few people who are capable of living and loving this way, and of the ones that i have, they truly shine and stand out for me. it's amazing to see a human being in his or her full glory, doing what we are all essentially designed for at our core, which is to love freely, deeply and genuinely.
to the bigger hearts out there in the world, cheers to you.
(west hollywood)